We praise God for you whenever we remember you (cf. Phil. 1:3).
Thank you for your partnership in the Gospel.
Asian Theological Seminary recently celebrated our 52nd anniversary with a Thanksgiving Service streamed online. With that, we also offered 3 free webinars the whole month of July, as a way of giving back to the community with topics on:
-The Image of God as Mother in the Bible and History (available for viewing at ATS Facebook page)
-Food: Creation, Community and Communion
-Discernment: Knowing the Will of God Today
We are thankful for guests, ATS students, staff and faculty who sent messages of gratitude as they were blessed by these workshops. There are even more reasons to celebrate!
Celebrate with us for the following!
- 220 students enrolled for the first semester with over 47 courses
- 200 students enrolled for the second semester with 43 course offerings
- Among these students are 51 full scholars and 113 partial scholars
- The Ph.D. in Theology program continued with 2 cohorts and is now accepting new students for the next cohort on August 2022
- The 1st cohort of our Doctor of Ministry Program (D.Min) began with 10 officially enrolled students.
- 3 ATS Extension programs were held in different communities with another 3 coming up.
- The Center for Global Leadership Intitiatives, dedicated for OFW ministry training, recently finished a Certificate program for the 2nd cohort in Oman and will start another cohort with UAE on October
- 44 students were conferred degrees for Batch 2020 and 25 students for Batch 2021.
- 6 Summer courses were offered from July-August before we start the new academic year.
We could have not done it without your faithful partnership and we will always be thankful for your meaningful role in fulfilling the vision of ATS in equipping servant leaders. We press on in the name of Jesus! We are now preparing for Enrollment for 1st Semester Academic Year 2021-22 with 41 courses offered. Please pray with us that more scholars will be accommodated this coming Academic year. The Lord has amazed ATS for 52 years and it is our prayer that He continues to guide and provide for the seminary for the coming years. Our prayer is this: “out of [God’s] glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in hearts through faith.” Ephesians 3:16-17
In Christ,
Rev. Timoteo D. Gener, Ph.D.
ATS Chancellor